Selasa, 26 April 2016

Cara pasang jam di blog kita

Sebenarnya tujuan saya di sini ialah ingin mencatat setiap ilmu yang kuperoleh, misalnya seperti di tutorial kali ini ialah cara memasang jam di blog kita. Tujuan saya adalah jika suatu saat saya lupa dengan ilmu ini, saya bisa baca lagi di blog ini pengalaman yang pernah saya lakukan. selain itu saya juga bisa berbagi ilmu dengan kawan semua tentang ilmu ini.
Berikut langkah-langkahnya :
1. Kunjungi link ini

2. Setelah terbuka pilih "Gallery"  lalu pilih jam kesukaan kalian.

3. Setelah kalian pilih jam nya, misalkan kalian pilih jam "analog"

4. Klik "view HTML tag" yang ada di bawahnya gambar jam

5. Klik tombol tulisan "Accept"

6. Pilih waktu sesuai negara, pilih ukuran jam.

7. Copy code HTML yang tersedia dibawahnya.

8. Setelah itu masuk ke blog anda. pilih      "tata letak"      lalu klik      "tambahkan gadget".

9. Pilih HTML/Java Script

10. Beri judul sesuai yang kalian inginkan, lalu paste kode tadi di "Konten"
11. Klik Simpan... selesai...

Semoga Berhasil.......

Senin, 25 April 2016



Hi gays.....
Kali ini saya mau berbagi sebuah aplikasi android yaitu TUBEMATE 2.2.5 (file apk)
Aplikasi ini fungsinya adalah untuk kita agar bisa mendownload di YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK dll...
berikut tampilannya check it out...
Dan di bawah ini link downloadnya :

Selamat Mencoba.....

Minggu, 24 April 2016

CARA MENGATASI Windows 7 is not genuine

Langsung saja ya gays...
Ciri-ciri windows yang belum teregistrasi biasanya yang sering kita lihat adalah wallpaper blank (alias gk bisa di kasih gambar) seperti gambar dibawah ini :

 Yang ke dua ketika sudah dinyalakan komputernya akan muncul pemberitahuan seperti gambar di atas.

Di bawah ini langkah2 cara mengatasinya :
1. Tekan tombol windows yang ada di keyboard anda, kemudian ketik  cmd setelah keluar klik kanan di cmd dan pilih "Run as administrator"

2. Lalu ketik : "slmgr.vbs /upk" (tanpa tanda petik dan setelah .vbs pake spasi) tekan enter muncul kotak dialog "Uninstalled product key successfully" klik OK
lalu ketik lagi : "slmgr.vbs /rearm" lalu tekan enter akan muncul kotak dialog "Command completed succesfully. Please restart the system for the changes to take effect." klik oke lalu restart komputermu.
3. Setelah komputermu menyala kembali, komputermu masih belum teregistrasi (masih wallpaper masih blank)  kemudian lakukan aktifasi Windows dengan cara mendownload dulu aplikasi Windows Loader V.2.2.1 bisa didownload     DI SINI

4. Ekstrak file nya... lalu buka folder "Windows Loader" lalu klik kanan pada "Windows Loader.exe" dan pilih "Run as administrator". Setelah kotak dialog windows loader terbuka, klik "Install".

Dan selesai.......... semoga berhasil.....


                Once upon a time there were three little pigs, who lived with their mother in a cozy little house. One summer, their mother sent them on a journey. She also warned them about a big bad wolf who lived in the woods. So they set out on an adventurous journey.
“Hi Fellas, My name is one-ey” “Hello Children, My name is two-ey” “hello kids, I am three-ey”
                They came across a field and decided to build houses for themselves. The first pig was very lazy. He started to build his house with straw because it was the easiest thing to do. He soon finished and went off to see his brothers. “That was so easy, let me find out what my other brothers are doing.”
                The second little pig was also lazy, so he built his house with sticks. He too, finished quickly and went off to see his brothers. “Well my house is all built. I am going to go find my other brothers.”
                The third little pig was a hard worker and he was very clever too. He started to build his house with bricks. It wasn’t easy or quick but it was very strong. “This house will last forever. It is so strong.” The first and second pig went to the third pig’s house. They were surprised to see their brother still working. They both laughed at him. The two pigs went outside to play. “Youpieeeeee” “You won’t be laughing when the big bad wolf is around. My house is strong and safe.
                One evening, the big bad wolf came to the thin straw house that the first little pig had built. He knocked on the door. As soon as the First little pig saw the big bad wolf standing outside, he started shivering. “Let me in, let me in little pig, or I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.” “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.” Immediately, the wolf huffed and he puffed and the thin straw house was blown away. The First little pig ran to his brother, the second little pig’s house to save himself. “Save me brother. The big bad wolf blew my house in.”  But the big bad wolf came there too. So the big bad wolf huffed and he puffed and the house of sticks came tumbling down. Luckily, the two little pigs ran to the Third little Pig’s house and locked themselves in. “Let me in, let me in, little pig, or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and blow your house in.” “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.” “Let’s go to see our brother. We will be safe there.” “Yes, let’s do that.”
                Finally, the big bad wolf banged on the door of the brick house. “Let me in, let me in little pig” “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.” “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in.” Finally, the big bad wolf climbed on the roof of the brick house and then sneaked down through the chimney. “Brother, the big bad wolf is climbing up onto the roof of your house.” But the third little pig was too clever. He had placed a big pot of bubbling soup over the fire. As the big bad wolf came through the chimney his tail got caught in the bubbling soup. The big bad wolf jumped out of the chimney with a loud scream. “Take that big bad wolf” The wolf ran into the forest and was never to be seen again.
                The first and second pig thanked their brother for saving their lives. They also decided to work hard and build strong brick houses of their own.  “Thank you for saving our lives. I think I will go and build myself a nice strong house made of bricks” “Good Idea, Yes,yes I will help you brother.” After a few days of hard work the first and the second pig built a brick house for themselves and they all lived happily ever after. “Now that we have strong houses made, let’s play…” 

Rabu, 20 April 2016


                Once upon a time, a mother duck was sitting on a cluster of eggs, anxiously waiting for them to hatch. One by one the tiny noses poked through their shells until all the new chicks were born. However, one of the eggs was taking longer than the others. When it finally hatched, the chick that emerged was not exactly like its brothers and sisters. It was very, very ugly.
“O… it’s been a long wait. Will these eggs ever hatch?”
“Oh, yes! It’s starting!
                Mother duck was shocked to see such an awful looking duckling, and could not imagine that it was actually hers. The other duckling did not like the ugly duckling at all. They pecked him and teased him and refused to let him play. The ugly duckling was very unhappy.
“Oh dear… this is a very ugly duckling”. “Let’s play! Not with you, though, ugly”. “He is so weird looking… he can’t be a member of our family, can he?” “Let’s peck him…. Let’s tease him…! “Everyone hates me”.
                The duckling was so very sad that he decided to leave home. At a nearby pond, he met a family of geese and asked if he could stay with them. They refused. “Can I please stay and play with you?” “No, never, you are so very ugly!
                Further along the water, the duckling met a kind caterpillar. The duckling told him his sad story and the caterpillar consoled him. “I am just an ugly caterpillar” he explained, “but one day I will be a beautiful butterfly. Maybe you will be beautiful one day too.”  “No one talks to me or let me stay with them as I’m so ugly.” “Don’t worry. I’m sure you won’t look like this forever.” The duck and the caterpillar lived quite happily for a week or so, but it was soon time for the caterpillar to enter his cocoon. The duckling waited and waited and when his friend emerged he was indeed a beautiful butterfly. His friend flew off into the woods calling for the duckling to follow, but the duckling could not catch up. Once again, the duckling was alone. “You are turning into a butterfly. I hope we are still friends when you come out.”
                Winter came, and the duckling struggled to find food and shelter under the blanket of thick snow. He had no friends and no comfort. It was a very hard winter, and the duckling was certain he would die. “I’m so cold all over! I’m starving. I need food and a shelter or I am going to die.”
                Winter soon ended and the waters on the lake began to thaw. The lonely duckling wadded out into the water and he caught sight of something astounding. Looking up at him from the water was the most beautiful bird he had ever seen. It was his own reflection. The ugly duckling had into a swan. “Thank goodness it’s spring…..Ah..who’s this? It’s me…. It’s my reflection I’ve become so beautiful”  The duckling saw a family of other swans playing in the water across the lake. The mother swan saw him and instantly recognized him as her long lost son. The family was reunited and the ugly duckling was finally content. “I recognized you. You are our lost son. We thought we would never find you.” “Mother? Oh, mother, I’ve been through so much but I am happy at last.”

The Ugly Duckling MP3 

The Ugly Duckling VID 

Selasa, 19 April 2016


Hai... Bro jumpa lagi dengan saya... kali ini saya mau berbagi sebuah aplikasi video editor. Kalo menurut saya sih aplikasi ini bagus banget, cocok sekali untuk kalian yang baru belajar edit video. mudah digunakan dan hasilnya cukup bagus.....
Oke langsung saja yaa... Berikut link downloadnya :
Wondershared video editor + Crack

Selamat mencoba.....

Minggu, 17 April 2016


Long-long ago, there was a large beautiful apple tree and a little boy named Toby who played in it. Everyday Toby would come play with the tree, climbing on branches, eating the wonderful apples, and taking naps in the tree’s cool shade. Both the tree and Toby love each other very much. “I love my apple tree” “I love you my child! Come eat my fruits and rest in my shadow.
Toby enthusiastically picked as many apples as he could, put them in a bag, and left without even saying thank you. The tree waited for Toby to return, but soon became sad. It seemed as if Toby had forgotten his beloved tree.  “so many apples! These will get me enough money to get what I want.”
It was many years before Toby returned to the apple tree. The tree was very happy to see him. “Come and play with me.” Said the tree, but Toby had no time to play for he needed a house for his family. The tree wanted to help his favorite boy and told Toby to chop off its strong branches to build a house. “I can’t play right now, apple tree, I have to build a house for my family.” “Chop off my branches. Surely you can build a house with them.” Without giving it a second thought, Toby cut all the branches off the tree and left to build his house. The tree was glad to help and liked seeing Toby happy.
Once again, Toby did not return for many years. “oh… what an idea! Let me cut all the branches and make a house.” I’m so very glad that I could help you.”
Time passed and Toby began to grow up. He no longer came to the tree everyday, and when he did he was gloomy. The tree invited Toby to play. “I can’t” Toby replied, “I need to get some money to buy the things I want.” The tree felt sorry for Toby and told him to pick the apples from his branches and sell them to get the money he needed. “I need money to buy the things I want”.  “I don’t have money to give, but I do have apples. Maybe you can sell them?”
Then one summer afternoon, Toby returned to the tree. The tree was delighted and asked Toby to play. “I’m too old and tired to play now. I just want to go sailing and relax after all my years of hard work.
The tree could see that Toby was unhappy. “Why not use my trunk to make a boat” The tree suggested. “I’m getting old. I want to retire and go sailing”. “Why not use my trunk and build a boat? Be happy, my boy.
Toby did cut the tree’s trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and relaxed just as he had wanted, but once again, he did not visit the tree who had given him so much. The tree was very lonely. “I can make a splendid boat with this wood, anything for you my boy. I love you.”
The tree was now nothing more than a stump. The years passed swiftly and when Toby came back once again, the tree told him that he had nothing left to give except his dying roots. “I am too old to need anything now except a place to rest” Toby said. The tree smiled and asked him to sit with him and take the rest he needed. Toby sat, and the tree was blissful once again. “I don’t need anything from you, Apple tree. I just need to rest”. “Take your rest with me, my boy. I love you still”.

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